
Digital And Physical Essentials For New Tech-Heads

If you are a novice in the tech world and taking your first experience in the web services niche, you might be overwhelmed by the wide range of options available. The software world’s variety seems amazing to the seasoned techies, but it may be a bit too much for the new players. Don’t stress out, as we are here with a suggestion list of the best items (ไอเทมเด็ด, which is the term in Thai) that you need and should invest in to make your innings as a web developer or streamer a breezy one.

From digital to physical, everything important is down here in this blog; read along and check your list.

Web Development Essentials

As a fresher, you should focus on user-friendly content management systems. The best options here would be WordPress, Wix, Blogger, Joomla, etc. The softwares having smart and intuitive interfaces make website and content creation a cakewalk. Even if you are a learning designer, you can work out impressive outputs by incorporating premium website themes and templates. Trust us when we say you can make your website look professional with these tools.

Work Out The Seo Well

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must-have qualification to get that online visibility you crave. Tools like SEMrush, and Ahrefs are useful when you need SEO insights and competitor analysis. These help you optimize your strategies. Good quality content and optimum SEO are all you need to rock.

Watch Out For These If You Are Into E-Commerce

If you are an entrepreneur and have a website set up, make sure to get the branding right. It would help if you looked for sophisticated software to make you a logo, suggest a theme per your motto, and do the whole branding according to the business idea and product motive. The color pallets, icons, templates, and fonts should be in sync so that the customers get engaged and stay there for a while. A decent social media appearance and product placement are also crucial in e-commerce. Tools like Canva, Designhill, Tailor Brands, etc., are good for these drills.

Other Must-Haves

Apart from the specific requirements, there are a few common utilities that anyone who works online would require. The fields are countless, but there are a bunch of requirements that are common for them all. Let’s check this list too:

  • An Ergonomic Chair To Support The Neck, Back, And Overall Posture
  • A Cable Organizer So That Your Desk Stay Organized
  • Dual Monitor Systems For Multitaskers
  • Ambient Lighting Arrangement, Including Adjustable Desk Lamps


The digital world is a complete workplace for many of us. So like a physical office, you need a proper set of essentials to function properly. Some of the best items are suggested in this article keeping in mind the general requirements of a netizen. Apart from this, everyone has a few specific needs, such as lenses, anti-glare, etc. Equip yourself with the resources, digital and physical, that you require and options that suit you best to attain the utmost efficiency online.