
Embracing Test Automation: A QA’s Guide in Healthcare Sector

In the ever-changing healthcare industry, innovative technology and patient care intermingle. As an engineer, I understand the crucial role of software testing in this setting. However, a recent study by HIMSS reveals a significant concern: the healthcare sector lags behind others in adopting test automation—a key factor in healthcare software quality.

The “Vital Signs” study shows an alarming 82% of healthcare organizations still rely on manual or DIY software testing methods. This outdated approach exposes them to potential software errors and security issues, putting patient safety and privacy at risk.

These numbers highlight a pressing need for change. Only a fraction of manual testers feel their organizations can scale testing to meet the healthcare industry’s evolving demands. Less than half are satisfied with their testing analytics or their ability to test across various devices and browsers.

However, moving to automated testing comes with its own challenges, such as the scarcity of technical talent and the complex nature of healthcare applications. Moreover, hidden costs associated with DIY testing, including the need for specialized personnel and infrastructure, can quickly escalate.

Yet, the future looks promising. The HIMSS report indicates that 75% of healthcare providers plan to implement test automation within the next five years. Early adopters have already started seeing benefits, with 80% expressing satisfaction with their new capabilities.

As a healthcare software tester, I encourage my peers to explore automated software testing. Whether you’re just starting or looking to upgrade from in-house tools, the full study provides insightful data and best practices. It’s time for us to harness the power of automation and ensure quality care in the digital healthcare era. Let’s work together to safeguard the future of patient care.