
How Absolute URLs Can Help You Rank Higher in Search Engines

If you’re serious about ranking higher in search engines, then you need to start paying attention to your website’s absolute URLs.

An absolute URL is a complete web address that includes the domain name, protocol, and path. For example, the absolute URL for this article is While most people are familiar with relative URLs (like /page-1.html), very few know how important absolute URLs can be for SEO. Here’s why absolute URLs are so important for SEO:

  1. They help search engines index your pages correctly:

If you’re using relative URLs, then there’s a chance that search engines will have trouble indexing your pages. This is because relative URLs can be interpreted differently by different browsers. Absolute URLs, on the other hand, are always interpreted the same way. This makes it much easier for search engines to index your pages correctly.

  1. 2. They make it easier to track your website’s traffic:

If you’re using relative Absolute vs Relative URLs then your website’s traffic will be scattered across different URLs. This makes it very difficult to track your website’s traffic. Absolute URLs, on the other hand, make it easy to track your website’s traffic. This is because all of your website’s traffic will be going to the same URL.

  1. They make it easier to share your pages on social media:

If you’re using relative URLs, then there’s a chance that your pages will not be properly shared on social media. This is because social media sites will often misinterpret relative URLs. Absolute URLs,   Always interpreted the same way by social media sites. This makes it much easier to share your pages on social media.

A good way to get more traffic to your blog is by making comments on other’s blogs. Google Reader allows you to organize your blogs by folder. Make a folder for the blogs you most want to follow so that you can find them when you want them. It’s a good idea to comment regularly when you do this, so that you can get new followers and keep people interested in what you’re doing.

  1. They make it easier to move your website to a new domain:

If you’re using relative URLs, then you’ll have to go through your website and update all of your URLs if you ever want to move to a new domain. Relative URLs will stay the same even if you move to a new domain. This makes it much easier to move your website to a new domain.

  1. They make it easier to use HTTPS:

If you’re using relative URLs, then you’ll have to go through your website and update all of your URLs if you ever want to switch to HTTPS. Absolute URLs, on the other hand, will stay the same even if you switch to HTTPS. This makes it much easier to use HTTPS.


As you can see, there are many reasons why absolute URLs are important for SEO. If you’re not using absolute URLs on your website, then you’re missing out on a lot of potential traffic and ranking opportunities.