
Social strategies to help you hit your sales goals

Social media presents a significant opportunity for sales teams to generate more leads, build relationships, and ultimately hit their sales goals. Studies show that an active social media presence increases sales by over 50%. It makes having a strong social strategy imperative for success.

Your social profile serves as a 24/7 sales rep, so ensure it looks polished and professional. Use an attractive header image and profile photo that aligns with your brand identity. Write an intriguing bio conveying your value proposition. Showcase achievements, testimonials, and certifications that establish your expertise. Keep the profile content updated regularly. A stellar profile gives prospects confidence in you and prompts engagement.

Listen actively to connect

Actively listen on social using monitoring tools to identify prospects, conversations, and challenges relevant to you. Join these conversations with helpful perspectives, resources, and insights. Comment on prospects’ updates when you provide value. Being proactive and responsive shows you care and makes prospects more receptive. Social listening enables more authentic relationship building at scale.

Publish long-form thought leadership posts on LinkedIn to build authority and gain visibility. Join niche industry and prospect company groups to expand your network. Engage genuinely and provide value in group discussions. Use Sales Navigator to identify key prospects and decision-makers to connect with. Send personalized invitations and recommendations based on shared connections or interests.

Retarget website visitors

Install tracking pixels on your website to create audiences of visitors. Retarget high-intent visitors through LinkedIn and Facebook ads to keep your brand top-of-mind and nurture them into leads. Social retargeting helps pull visitors back to complete desired actions like downloads, contact requests, and demo sign-ups. The technique gives great returns in converting net new leads. Develop gated lead magnet assets like ebooks, templates, whitepapers, tip sheets, email courses, etc. Promote them widely on social channels and through ads. The lead magnet entices visitors to exchange their contact information to access it. This helps capture new leads to nurture into marketing qualified leads and sales opportunities.

Develop automated nurture campaigns

Sales can’t chase every inbound lead. Develop automated lead nurture campaigns triggered when a prospect downloads an asset or shows defined behaviors that indicate interest. Send a pre-defined series of emails/messages providing helpful content, tips, and recommendations to nurture leads. This technique converts more leads into sales-ready opportunities over time. Position yourself as an industry thought leader by consistently publishing long-form thought leadership content on sites like LinkedIn, Medium, and popular industry publications. Discuss trends, strategies, and best practices driving your space. This boosts your brand and authority, allowing you to engage with a wider variety of high-quality prospects and increasing your sales.

To maximize reach and engagement, promote your social content across your entire network. Post updates natively on your profile/page on each platform. Cross-promote new blog posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Share new Linkedin article in multiple relevant groups. Reach out directly to key contacts to share particularly relevant posts. Social platforms present invaluable tools for salespeople to build meaningful relationships at scale and ultimately drive sales.