
Three Simple Elements To Design Your Curriculum Vitae

Surely you already hallucinate us every time we tell you that “the CV is your letter of introduction to companies,” but we will not get tired of saying it. This document must be brief, concise, and precise. In just 20 seconds, it should record you in the recruiter’s mind and, in addition, prove that you are the right person for the position.

The first requirement for your resume to be remarkable is for the content to be real, organized, and clear. The second step is to highlight among all the curricula that a recruiter receives.

You may think that, since you are an accountant or an engineer, your CV should not have a design, but you are wrong. There are small details that you can integrate to help position yourself as a memorable candidate. Take note:


It is worth using colors in the curriculum vitae design (desain curriculum vitae, which is the term in Indonesia), even if you are not a designer. Dare to try green, red, mustard, mint, cyan. You have a whole world of possibilities.


Use different font sizes and styles, such as bold or italic, to highlight the key information of your CV. You can also apply color to mark the importance of the elements and sections.

In addition to giving you a better view, it will help facilitate the reading of the curriculum and allow the recruiter to identify the information that interests you quickly or that is related to your vacancy.


This type of element will help you differentiate the sections in your CV and highlight specific aspects such as certifications or knowledge.

You can opt for general icons such as portfolios, mortarboards, diplomas, or use some more specific ones which refer to your area of ​​expertise.